Build Your own app, tailored for Your customers needs.

Choose the preview of your products.

Upload specs, pictures and quotes.
– A powerful sales tool
– You can set different price groups and send out promos.

  • a discount or a fixed price
  • different customer price level groups
  • delivery price depending on the location and packaging
  • send a promo code to customers groups as a personal message

Product upload is easy

Your customers see the products selected and the amount of the order.
The checkout is easy and intuitive.

  • Add products to cart
  • Add products to favorites

A successful order ends with a payment

You can activate different payment methods
Select different ways of payment:

  • Stripe
  • PayPal
  • Bank transfer
  • Cash on delivery
  • Cash on pickup

You can select the type of delivery, the delivery cost and the packaging cost.

Boost your sales communicating directly with your customers

Push notifications are and efficient way of communication. You can message your customers about a promo, new items or an upcoming event.

CMS panel

You are in control with the CMS – customized for your needs and easy to use.